Cents-ible Retirement Programme (CRP)

There are many courses available on building up assets and planning early for retirement. However, CCS Cents-ible Retirement Programme (CRP) is about aligning our retirement expectations with our available retirement financial resources.

If you are a young senior, aged 50 and above, you may be not have considered the following:

1.  How long am I likely to live in retirement, when I do not have any employment income?

2.  How much am I likely to spend in retirement?

3.  Where would my income come from? If I have a source of retirement income, how long, how stable and how much can I expect to receive this income?


CCS Cents-ible Retirement Programme (CRP) is a 2-module programme that helps you to be more financially self-reliant in retirement.

WORKSHOP (Module 1)  – A 4.5-hour hands-on workshop in a group setting of 10 to 15 participants. The workshop helps you to take stock of your financial resources and to determine if you have enough in retirement. Key learning activities:

1.   Obtain a snapshot of one’s financial resources and align with retirement expectations

2.   Take stock of current assets and liabilities

3.   Project and estimate retirement incomes and expenses

4.   Comprehensive sharing of salient information of key Government schemes that support retirement and ageing, such as CPF Life, HDB Silver Housing Bonus and Lease Buyback Schemes, MediShield Life, ElderShield/CareShield Life

5.   Gain awareness of the importance of making a CPF nomination and setting up a Will, appointing a Lasting Power of Attorney (LPA) and having an Advance Medical Directive (AMD)

Module 1 - Workshop is now available as a NSA-supported course "Retirement - Are You Financially Ready?"

Click here for course schedule.

FINANCIAL COUNSELLING (Module 2) - Personalised financial counselling with our Financial Counsellors. This session aims to help you draw up an actionable plan that optimises your financial resources and address your legacy. Important aspects that may be discussed:

1.   Review of financial figures ascertained from Module 1 – Workshop

2.   Set goal(s) and an action plan relating to retirement

3.   Explore solutions that may involve unlocking the value of your HDB home

4.   Identifying your available convertible liquid assets such as private annuities, investments and insurance that you be tap on, if needed

5.   Assessing adequacy of lifetime medical coverage from Medishield Life, and other insurance coverage such as Eldershield/CareShield Life

6.   Advance Planning, to help you decide in advance how assets are to be distributed to ensure clarity of your bequest

7.   Contingency Planning, to help you decide in advance who will administer your finances, property and personal affairs.